Welcome to the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace!
The Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics (MBG) of Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) was established in 2000 in Alexandroupolis with the vision to become a Leader Institution in Education & Research. MBG is the only University Department in Greece dedicated to providing a curriculum in Molecular Biology & Genetics, two fast growing scientific disciplines that lie in the heart of Innovation in Health, Food, Environment and Agriculture. Nowadays, MBG numbers 722 undergraduate students, 76 MSc students and 37 Ph.D. students, while there are already 973 graduates and 40 MSc and 34 PhD titles have been awarded.
The Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics operates mainly in the Fotis Kafatos Building, in the University Campus at Dragana 7 Km outside Alexandroupolis, next to the Medical School, the Departmental Library and to the University Hospital. For the courses of the first and of the second year of studies MBG uses a building in the center of the city, next to the old Hospital, within walking distance from the center of the city. All classrooms and amphitheaters are equipped with PCs, internet access and digital projectors.
The Undergraduate Program of Studies has been designed to provide a firm theoretical foundation as well as practical experience in basic and advanced technology in Molecular Biology & Genetics. During the first two years, students are exposed to basic concepts, state-of-the-art approaches and current methods of Molecular Biosciences. A variety of intermediate and advanced courses at the third and fourth year, provides an in depth exploration of Molecular Biology and Genetics as well of their applications. A number of elective courses cover current and evolving trends in basic and applied Molecular Biology and Genetics. Students have the opportunity to undertake a diploma thesis, and perform their own research project either in the University or in collaborating Research Institutes during the final semester.
Research at MBG focuses on the study of biological phenomena and mechanisms at the molecular and genetic level. Most research efforts at MBG aim to create exploitable knowledge with impact in three areas: 1) Biomedicine, in particular research for the benefit of Human health, 2) Biotechnology, with emphasis in Applied Microbiology and the study of Natural Products and 3) Molecular Agrobiology, centering on the molecular biology of insects and microorganisms. In addition, MBG faculty conduct high-impact research in Bioinformatics, Computational and Structural Biology, Ecology/Biodiversity and Pharmaceutical/Theoretical Chemistry.
MBG acts as a research hub: a large number of integrated collaborative projects are currently being unfolded and funded as a result of the cooperation among faculty members of the MBG with faculty other Departments of DUTH as well as with the local Industry. At the National level, several collaborations between MBG and other Universities and major research institutes are currently active. As MBG is located close to Bulgaria and Romania and the candidate countries of FYROM, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, at a major crossroads between EU, Asia and Russia, MBG has devoted resources to create tight cross-border links in the field of Biomedical Sciences with other Institutes, Hospitals, Universities and University Hospitals in the Balkans, Turkey and Russia- these efforts have been funded mainly by European Territorial Programs (INTERREG) programs. Such collaborations cover research and know-how transfer projects as well as education.
MBG graduates are employed, both nationally and internationally, in a wide variety of positions in clinical settings or research entities of the private and public health sector, in industry (pharmaceutical, food industry and others) and in teaching of Biosciences. Many MBG graduates pursue advanced degrees in Greece and abroad, having a reputable track record of prestigious fellowships and awards.
MBG offers four post-graduate program of studies:
- Translational Research in Biomedicine
- MSc in Molecular Biology by Research
- From Genome to Phenotype: Experimental Genetic Approaches
- Didactics of Biosciences
and the interdepartmental post-graduate program of studies:
- Infectious Diseases and International Medicine:From Bench to Bedside

The Department
Democritus University of Thrace, Dragana
Telephone: +30 25510 30610-13